Health & Medical

High Sugar Diet: The Perfect Storm in Bad Nutrition

high sugar diet

The US Big Agri global corn purveyors are controlling the cost of planting corn through Genetically Modified seeds around the world. Our energy policy encouraged by Big Agri is driving up the cost of the corn due to the ethanol production in the US, which is of marginal value. Not to mention that the Mexican corn farmers have been underpriced by US Corn producers. They have had to let their farmworkers go. They, in turn, have become part of the Hispanic immigration problem.

The whole problem of obesity and diabetes health concerns could evaporate within five years if Congress would act. This is one of the issues that Obama and McCain should be focusing on. Real issues that affect hundreds of millions of American citizens.

It’s time for real change. Will anyone stand up?

Disclaimer – This document is informational in nature. You should seek medical advice through your physician.

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