Furthermore, I do not consider any of the financial assistance I get from any of the programs an “entitlement”. I earned them the hard way – honestly with my own blood, sweat, and tears.
There’s no time to listen to all the political monkey dust being tossed about implying we are not getting our fair share these days. I have lived and worked under a system that gave me the freedom and opportunity to make my own way and I gave it my best shot.
When circumstances produced less-than-satisfactory results I chalked it up to the way the system works. It isn’t always fair, nor was it ever guaranteed to be.
Having said that, scholars have proven that more seniors are struggling with financial hardship. According to a University of Massachusetts study, most seniors’ social security checks don’t even cover their basic cost of living.
For most of you who find yourselves retired today, what we have to live on now is going to be about all we ever have. All we need to do to enjoy life from here on out is to simply tread water and enjoy the days we have left. And hopefully, avoid economic collapse.
I am!