
Whatever Happened to Front Porches?

Not long ago, I returned to my hometown of Park Ridge, Illinois. I wanted to see if the essence of the town in which I grew up was still there, or if it had been overrun by sterile highways, gigantic malls, and a tsunami of franchised restaurants. I was pleased to find that I still…

the good old days or the good ole days

The Good Old Days: Were They Really So Good?

Life was so much better when we were young. Everyone wants to wax nostalgic for the good old days. Or some like to say it the good ole days… I hear that a lot these days. How things were safer, simpler, even sexier back then (perhaps based on the theory that less is more). My…

1939 Studebaker Green Bomb

1939 Studebaker Green Bomb: Boy’s First Car

It wasn’t much on looks. It had more miles on it than God. We called it a Studebaker Green Bomb. It was a sexy (for that time) 1939 Green Studebaker. The clutch slipped, the rear shocks didn’t work, and inside it smelled like someone died. Or at least how I imagined that would smell. 1940s…

Men Wearing Hats

A Tip of the Hat to a Proud American Tradition

Look at any outdoor photograph of American men taken before 1960 and you’ll see every last man wearing a hat. Be it a fedora or homburg, slouch or porkpie, Panama or boater, hats used to be as essential as shoes, adding a fine flourish to proper manly appearance. Remember? The hat was so common that…

50th College Reunion
Nostalgia Senior Stories

50th College Reunion Evokes Memories, Melancholy

Last week I attended my 50th college reunion. A pleasant affair, where over 100 of us, now in our 70s and mellowed beyond having to prove anything, enjoyed the company of old friends, reminiscing, and catching up with each other’s past 50 years. East College Reunion, DePauw University But for all the joy, laughter, and…


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