personal space invader
Romance Senior Stories

Personal Space: Dating a Space Invader

So I met this guy for coffee. We were getting along well, filling each other in on our respective romantic histories. His amicable divorce. My acrimonious break-up. We shared a small table by the wall at my favorite coffee shop. He was in a chair and I, on my side of the table, had a…

flying grandma
Senior Stories

Flying Grandma: National Grandparents Day

I live in the Philadelphia suburbs. My son and his wife live in California. Although Tom and Amy were born and raised here on the east coast, they run a successful start-up together and work from home. So they could choose to live anywhere. Before they chose California, they were living in Baltimore. It’s hard…

absent grandmother
Senior Stories

Absent Grandmother: Gone Never Forgotten

My grandson just turned one. I was lucky enough to be able to be with him to celebrate his birthday. His other grandmother, Wendy, was not. Wendy was the first person, after my son and daughter-in-law, to hold Benji after he was born. Did I envy her? Of course! Terrific Grandmother She and her husband…

date senior women

Senior Men Won’t Date Senior Women

I was looking at senior online dating profiles the other day when I found a man who was absolutely perfect for me: smart, funny, and creative. Like me, he enjoys books and museums and swimming and long walks. And like me, he doesn’t drink or smoke. A perfect match! There Goes the Bride, Groom, Kids…


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