
111 Ways to Senior Savings: Complete Senior Discounts Guide

Senior Savings, Savings for Seniors, Senior Discounts

Every time you go shopping, go on vacation or order something on the Internet, seniors should be asking this question. Do you offer a senior discount? Senior savings doesn’t have to be as challenging as you think. Most establishments will advertise their senior discounts, but it doesn’t hurt to ask the ones that don’t. Here’s our collection of articles pointing out savings for seniors.


Canada: Your Prescription for Lower Drug Prices

Here’s exactly how to save 40 percent or more — sometimes much more — on your prescription drugs. (I just saved $583.27 for three month’s medicine!)

How to Get Cheap, Even Free Drugs

Congress lies when it says it wants to pass a Medicare drug benefit this year. Fortunately, drug companies now offer cheap, even free pharmaceuticals pretty much for the asking to those seniors who need them most.

Free Prescription Drugs Already Here

It’s true. Problem is, Big Pharma won’t let you know, and once you try to get them, God help you.

10 Ways to Save on Medications

Check out our top 10 ways to save on medications and take advantage of more senior savings.

Medicare Supplements 101

By reader Regina Lopez-Torres, Licensed medicare Agent.Everything you need to know to make intelligent choices, including the right questions to ask.

How to Add 5 Years to Your Life
(Sure you deserve to?)

Straight from the wise pages of Esquire. What you can do for your heart, your skin, your knees, your mouth, your eyes, and your brain to add five years to your life. It’s so e-a-s-y.

Bargains for Suddenly Senior Comparison Shoppers

Here are some of the price comparison Websites, many of which will search the Internet for the cheapest price on whatever it is you want to buy. 

Consumer Reports rates and the best, with the later being the best of the best.

Cataract Surgery Costs Little

Instead of a nightmare with knives in my eyes, cataract surgery is the most painlessly effective medical procedure this side of childhood inoculations. Best of all, it scares the grandkids and Medicare pays most everything!

Terrorizing Telemarketers

Here’s how to make telemarketers the source of humor and joy in your life, while creating shock this theirs. Plus a not so trivial way to make big bucks off them as well.

You’re Never Too Old To Surf the Internet

Americans age 65 and up are jumping on the Web faster than a free Early Bird Special. What are they doing there? Two thousand Suddenly Senior readers confess. Read all about useful sites helpful to old pros and newbies alike.

Reverse Mortgages: What Are They, Who Benefits?

Learn everything you wanted to know about reverse mortgages and how they could benefit you.


Get your free credit report every year from each of the three major credit-reporting agencies. Just go to or call 1-877.322.8228.


Tips for Senior Air Travel Discounts

All the programs that are left after airlines discontinued many senior discounts.

Check for Best Senior Airline Discounts: Senior Flight Discounts on your favorite airline.

Travelocity and other great travel sites for seniors going places

Travelocity is one of the big three (Orbitz and Expedia being the others) that travelers generally start with. Especially if you’re flying.

FlightArrivals comes in handy for those picking you up, providing the latest arrival and departure times of all US and Canadian flights. If you’re driving, Mapquest is a great tool, providing the way, the mileage, everything you need to get from here to there.

Another top guide, this to scenic routes and historical paths, is is a good booking site for finding discount hotel rates around the world.

LuxuryLink is excellent for finding hotels, cruises, tours, and other high-end travel needs. What will we do when we get there?


Good Advice on How to Buy a Car

Realizing that the cost of new transportation can really throw a budget into reverse? Here’s good advice from the author of How to Buy a Used Automobile, Sport-Utility Vehicle, or Minivan and Save Money.

How Much Senior Transportation Can Cost (Affordable Options)

Even if you’re only traveling close to home, you’ll want to keep costs within your budget. Check out our tips on how to control transportation costs for seniors.



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"Best Senior Site ever on the Web! Great, up-to-date information on how seniors can save money on drugs. Wonderful nostalgia. Hard-hitting senior advocacy pieces that get read in high places. Wonderful humor. It's all at Suddenly Senior."


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