
Testosterone: The Key to Great Sex After 50

Great Sex After 50

Yesterday I got this thin, 12-page magazine in the mail claiming on its cover that testosterone levels are the key to great sex after 50.

I’d heard that.

Old Couple Sleep during SexWhat piqued my interest was the cover photograph of a geezer sitting with a grin wide as Nevada’s Bunny Ranch being adored by a lovely lass half his age (His niece, perhaps?), she in sweat garb ready for a workout, her hands and eyes asking not what but when.

Compulsively turning the page, I found another photo of a big-busted babe in a two-piece black swimming suit hanging on to a guy in a baseball uniform. Maybe the same guy. I didn’t notice.

Senior Men Won’t Date Senior Women

What really caught my eye was the dazzling red type across from the photo saying, “Your Penis Shrinks 19.8% as you get older due to deficiency of testosterone!”

Wow! For some of us, that’s getting down near negative territory.

The Incredible Shrinking Penis

“Scientific” charts covering the next few pages showed penises shrinking all over the place. Nine percent in circumference. Twenty-five percent in volume. Nineteen point eight percent in length.

Makes you wonder, who measures such things, anyway?

And while my “Whopper” faded to a piddling in my mind’s eye, the little magazine told me that as I age, sexual performance disappears while my prostate takes on International Significance.


No wonder the old overweight guy on page five (who could be any one of us!) glaring at his mirror reflection looks absolutely suicidal. The caption: “Depression is more common in older men than young men because of declining sexual ability.”

Senior Sex Stuff: Short Stories and Jokes

Well, duh! By now, I’m not feeling too well myself. Is all this the trade off we make for those cheap senior citizen movie tickets?

Suddenly Trivia: Who asked, “What does a woman want?“
a) Warren Beatty, b) Rudolph Valentino, c) Sigmund Freud, d) Bill Clinton, e) Eliot Spitzer.

Then, just when all hope seemed futile, I turned the page and – Whew! Would you believe? – these folks just happen to have the miracle cure to all this, something called androstenedione, ASD for short.

Turns out this stuff solves that nagging 19.8 percent shrinkage problem. And if you happen to play major-league baseball. ASD even helps you hit home runs. Mark McGuire used the stuff when he hit the home run record a few years back. And it’s not illegal. That’s good enough for me.

Happy as the Devil

If that’s not proof enough, there’s a photo of this shirtless couple – can’t tell if it’s a “before” or “after” – happy as the devil about something. A dozen or so “References” nearby add scientific weight to this remarkable change in outlook, such as “Marked decline in serum concentration of adrenal C19 sex steroid precursors and conjugated androgen metabolites during aging.

Woodstock CartoonI don’t know what that means. Not sure that I want to. But it could be what the shirtless couple is smiling about.

Finally on the last inside page is our opportunity to order.

The best deal? A six-month supply for only $239.70. Plus shipping from Canada.

Men Over 65: Senior Sex Talk Time

I don’t know about you, but that seems a lot to pay for a few more home runs.

Tell you the truth, I don’t even know anymore where my bat and ball are.

Suddenly Trivia Answer: c) Sigmund Freud



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