Conversation with God

The Lord’s Prayer: A Conversation with God

Have you ever wondered how a conversation with God would go? Here’s our comedic version of the Lord’s Prayer. Our Father which art in heaven …” “Yes?” “Don’t interrupt me. I’m praying.” “But you called me.” “Called you? I didn’t call you. I’m praying. Our Father which art in heaven …” “There … you did…

The Difference Between Now and Then

The Difference Between Now and Then (How Times Have Changed)

How times have changed. The difference between now and then changes drastically every decade.   One evening a grandson was talking to his grandfather about current events. The grandson asked his grandfather what he thought about the school shootings, the computer age, and just things in general. The granddad replied, “Well, let me think a…

Dr Seuss on Old Age: Golden Years Poem

Dr. Seuss on Old Age and the Golden Years Poem

Every wonder what Dr. Seuss had to say about old age? Our favorite is the hypothetical Golden Years Poem. He never lacked imagination, so you know it would be pretty ridiculous and funny. Here’s our guess on what he’d have to say about the Golden Years of life. Dr. Seuss Golden Years Poem I cannot…

What is a Reverse Mortgage

Reverse Mortgages: What Are They, Who Benefits?

Reverse mortgages are becoming increasingly popular in America. However, many are still unsure of what exactly they are, and who stands to benefit. “It’s a buzz word,” said Dean Wegner, a mortgage expert. “‘Hey, I got a reverse mortgage,’ so they’re going with the flow, and I don’t know if everybody actually understands, completely understands…

Senior Travel Discounts and Deals
Finance Travel

Senior Travel Deals & Discounts

The silver lining of growing old… Yes, growing older does have a silver lining. But not every senior travel discount beats what young’uns pay. How can you tell a good deal from a crock of Geritol? Outside of Trust-Fund Kids, no group has more leisure time than older folks–and the travel industry is well aware…


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